Vegan Swirl is not your typical strict vegan website for your average non consuming honey diet. Not ever meal has to be include dairy or meat products. It’s possible to eat vegan at least twice a day, if not every meal. If you follow Vegan Swirl on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter; we’ll show you tips and tricks to eating cleaner at least twice a day.
Vegan Swirl [vee-guh n, vey-] [swurl]
- a plant-based diet that occasionally recommends the use of honey
- a vegan diet that is recommended to those who care about animals and the environment
Vegan Swirler [vee-guh n, vey-] [swurl-er]
- a person who encourages others to eat vegan
- a person who chooses to eat omit all animal products at least one to two meals a day
- a person who believes that eating plant-based meals will help maintain their health in a positive way